Amiga Music Collection
Spacer.. Misc. tunes Smooth..

This Misc. tunes -section contains collection of tunes ripped either from some Amiga PD games, demos or programs (= therefore category miscellaneous). I strongly suggest you download Revolution Mix v2.0, now that's.. something special :)

- Pro Tracker alphaville ~57 kb ALPHAVIL.ZIP
Jarkko Rotsten Pro Tracker ave caesar!! ~33 kb AVECAESR.ZIP
Harvey Pro Tracker blazzering ~31 kb BLAZZERN.ZIP
Grant McAllister (Music taken from PD game The Great Escape of Billy Burglar by Thermogenesis) Pro Tracker - (Intro music) ~66 kb BLLYBRG1.ZIP
Grant McAllister (Music taken from PD game The Great Escape of Billy Burglar by Thermogenesis) Pro Tracker - (Ingame music) ~91 kb BLLYBRG2.ZIP
Grant McAllister (Music taken from PD game The Great Escape of Billy Burglar by Thermogenesis) Pro Tracker - (End music) ~52 kb BLLYBRG3.ZIP
HTD Pro Tracker blue deep ~68 kb BLUEDEEP.ZIP
- Pro Tracker cokemod ~102 kb COKE.ZIP
Blair Zuppicich (Theme from Cybernetix) OctaMED Cybernetix PD ~32 kb CYBERNTX.ZIP
Reptile of Fraxion Pro Tracker heavyballad ~95 kb HEAVYBAL.ZIP
- Pro Tracker machinery ~6 kb MACHINER.ZIP
Ukulele / Intuition SF Pro Tracker magic music ~14 kb MAGICMUS.ZIP
Reptile of Fraxion Pro Tracker 7 ~52 kb MASSACRE.ZIP
Quick / Oxygen (Music taken from PD game No Man's Land) Pro Tracker nomansland2 ~66 kb NOMANSL.ZIP
Sakke (This tune was released in Wizzcat's Revolution Mix music collection '90) Pro Tracker revolutionmix v2.0 ~129 kb REVOMIX2.ZIP
Farqu / MNS (Music taken from PD game Lada 2000 by Nikki Corruptions. Original tune Electricity composed by OMD.) Pro Tracker speedy ~61 kb SPEEDY.ZIP
Paul FR Hamilton OctaMED It's a skull ~145 kb VALHALLA.ZIP